Album cover  

The Shrinks

  1. The Quest
  2. Film Stars Now
  3. Joe & Cath
  4. Emoji
  5. Buddy Holly
  6. On Board Tonight
  7. Our Greatest Hits
  8. Anthony & Lois (maybe)
  9. On A Sixpence
  10. That & The Other
  11. Who knew? (2 minutes 58 seconds)
  12. With Me (The edge of the bed song)
Album cover  

The Shrinks
Kissed By The Queen

1. Meville
2. The Age Of Steam
3. Maybe We Did
4. Brighton
5. Children Of The Splice
6. Don’t Ever Say Goodbye
7. Kissed By The Queen
8. Down And Out
9. Who’s Next?
10. Cheap Wine And Daytime TV
11. Lyin’ Lips
12. Tarmac For Breakfast
13. Meet Me In The Middle
14. Bones
15. Because It’s Christmas

Album cover  

The Shrinks
That’s How It Looks

1. Dead Man Singing
2. Good Times
3. Me & McCartney
4. Waiting for Love
5. Unselected
6. Your New Best Friend
7. Talking
8. Sunday Worship
9. The Judge
10. Wrap Party
11. Bumper Car
12. City Sidewalk Tree

Modern Sounds of Cotham & Westbury album cover

The Shrinks
Modern Sounds of Cotham
& Westbury

1. Country Song
2. Closer to the Fire
3. Something Worth Saving
4. Jacket, Shirt & Trousers
5. Daddy's Arms
6. Lucky Shoes
7. Sunday Morning Music
8. My Friend the Cactus
9. Smells Like Elvis
10. Jones Street & 4th
11. Raised by Wolves
12. The Finest Train

The Shrinks
Further Along The Road

1. Bristol, Tennessee
2. Further along the road
3. Soul ironing
4. The Devil’s breath
5. Easy in this world
6. Always the way
7. Be strong
8. Nobody listening
9. Yeah, no (I love her so)
10. Best destiny
11. The picture (that isn’t there)
12. The drinking song

The Shrinks
More Damned Lies

1. Do like the Bears Do
(Grizzly Business)

2. Trash Cart Trophy Girl
3. The Beetle Eats the Cathedral
4. One too Many for the Road
5. Bigfoot
6. Yeah Yeah Yeah
(Freshly Minted Parlophone)

7. The Nearly Man
8. It Wasn’t Always Like This
9. Wayne & Sandra (Fred & Ginger)
10. The Rat in the Piano
11. Amen
12. Northern Exposure
13. More Damned Lies

The Shrinks
On The Stoop

1. Friendly Fire
2. On The Stoop
3. The Badge
4. Wake Up Call
5. Wind It Up
6. Nick Drake’s Pants
7. Glenn Miller
8. While You Were Gone
9. Cool As A Fridge
10. Nature/Nurture
11. Beautiful Machine
12. Hallelieu Canoe

The Shrinks
Horfield to Hollywood

1. Archie Leach
2. Coal
3. Where We Live
4. Victim of Crime
5. Maurice Chevalier
6. Anthony and Lois (Maybe)
7. Potatoe Heart
8. Skip inside the Drive
9. Tim & Neil
10. More Money
11. Ahamay
12. Rooster Do


Click links on the left to see song lyrics

©All rights reserved. The Shrinks 2004